Heal the Unhealed (2022)

7 November 2022
About This Album
Kafkaesque, megalomaniac, blown up and full of panic, Seventh Station’s second record “Heal The Unhealed,” released independently in 2022, is a conceptual album discussing the juxtaposition between dictatorships and art: the overlapping mania, monumental aspirations, paranoid behavior, and toxic narcissism. Heal the Unhealed” takes place in Soviet Russia and the time of the Second World War, presenting amongst other tracks “The Stalinist Trilogy” conversing the relationship of Stalin with himself, his lovers, and the state as a metaphor for an artist doing everything in its power to create a masterpiece, whatever it takes. “Heal the Unhealed” is a violent ars-poetic creation, allowing the creative powers of Seventh Station to take a deep look in the mirror at their own creative process, haunted by panic attacks, portraying their own demons.
“Heal the Unhealed is a cathartic experience from start to finish… deserves to be heard,” (ProgSpace Magazine)
“If music for a jungle, this would have to be the place where lost civilizations are found,” (Cave Dweller Music)
“Time will give perfection to an album which is a milestone in music,” (Hardsounds Rock and Metal Webzine)