On Shoulders of Giants (2025)

21 February 2025
About This Album
Seventh Station is taking their unconventionality up a notch, releasing their third release “On Shoulders of Giants,” revealing reimagined works of the 20th century modern composers. A colorful gratitude of the band’s classical heritage, this 5-track EP is pushed to the limit by surrealistic themes through virtuous expression, released by Dutch record label Layered Reality Productions.
“On Shoulders of Giants” is a daring polystylistic work by this Slovenian, Turkish, and Israeli progressive entity, exemplifying another step ahead in their aesthetic aspiration. Rejecting a contagious climate of separationism, this EP is led by the motivation to pioneer in crafting a free-thinking art-metal, defying a reality of sustainable war, immutable radicalism, attention-based economy, and conformist collectivism. Reimagining works of classical composers who were known as nonconformists and freethinkers, Seventh Station quotes all with an artistically colorful twist into contemporary metal as a medium, along with the spirit of the underground scene as an artistic resistance, and the music itself as an opposite to the disposable culture of the instant.
Exploring stories sung in gibberish, Portuguese, and German, “On Shoulders of Giants” is a meditated record, unconquered by trends or fashions, built for audiences with an admiration of unconventional music, for followers of bands such as Spastic Ink and Secret Chiefs 3, but also for those who love their Prog pushed to the limits: humorous, full of tantrums and a recognition of a cartoonish reality, a tightly packed experience and a strong eccentric message of self-identity.